
2021/10/16 杂文

🌿 Start to step out, and catch the winds of luck. 主动出击,捕遇幸运之风🍃

  1. Take risks to get out of my comfortable zone. 【Break through the familiar. Go for the unfamiliar.】 承担小风险,带出舒适区。突破惰性的熟悉感。练习将熟悉惯性变陌生,将陌生而心仪的事物化为熟悉。

  2. Change the relationship with others.【Show appreciation.】 心怀欣赏与感恩之心,感染关系之中的他人。💕

  3. Change the relationship with our ideas.【Unbelievable and crazy ideas will make good results.】 不敢相信的、疯狂的主意将带来好的结果,乐化自身与想法的关系。 🌟


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